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Friday, May 18, 2012

Breadcrumb code faster indexed search engines

Breadcrumb code faster indexed search engines
Meaning and function Breadcrumb
Breadcrumb is a navigation menu in a website that allows you to speed up the website visitors find the location in the document, then come back easily. Breadcrumb usually placed at the top of the page of a website/blog. Breadcrumb pick the first few uses or path showed pages from the websites visited, relative to the pages visited.
The second feature provides one-click access to web pages on it as well as users avoid getting lost because it was too far into the website. (definition: Jacob Nielson, editors: tipbisnisseo
Code and how to install the breadcrumb on the blog by adding CSS and javascript as below :
1. Login to your blog dashboard.
2. If you already have a blog breadcrumb (Disposal should be all of them),
    to check breadcrumb on the template using "Ctrl F" to be easy in the search.
3. Klick Design and click Edit HTML.
4. Enter the following code before the script   ]]></ b: skin>  (use Ctrl F to facilitas search).

5. Then find the code like this
Each template is always different, sometimes the code as above there are two,
then look for the code <b:include data='top' name='status-message'/>, which is adjacent to
<data:defaultAdStart/> code, and then place the code 
<b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/>  just below  <b:include data='top'name='status-message'/>.
Then the result will be like this
If in your template code <b:include data='top' name='status-message'/> there is only one, 
then look for the code <b:includable id='post' var='post'>, and then place the code
<b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/>  <b:includable id='post'var='post'> code below.
Then the result will be like this:
6. The next stage looking code
7. Place the following code right above it:
Then click preview, if there is no problem and then click save. Sources: deejayhan
I have applied this code in my blog, I hope you succeed and and can use that code to make your posts more search engines. Good luck


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