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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Permalink tag and how to install on the web and blogs.

Permalink tag and how to install on the web and blogs.

Permalink tag is widely used by master and senior to strengthen the SEO in the web / blog and his blog provides information for visitors who want to copy and paste an article that lists their post the source link on a post or article. Permalink tag is a box that is usually placed under the posts. Permalink for their intended purpose tag contains a message and post the url link. Tag this installation will strengthen internal link in an article posted sehinggan very easilyand quickly in the search engines read and will appear in google SERP after posting the article.

The assembly Permalink Tag on the Website or Blog

1. Login to blogger with your account.
2. Klick the draft, and then click Edit HTML, and then cross the box expandwidget templates.
3. Find the code ]]</b:skin> and place the following code right above it.

                       Note :
                      1.   2px is code  width of border
                      2.   Code #424242 is color-coded border
                      3.   Code #fbfbef is the backgroud color code box permalink
4. After that search code  <div class=’post-footer’>
5. Copy the code below and place it on top  <div class=’post-footer’>
Please replace the text according to your wishes after you are sure click saveand look at the results, good luck. Thank you.


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