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Friday, June 8, 2012

The names of the blogs that can increase Google PR and Alexa Rank blogspot

The names of the blogs that can increase Google PR and Alexa Rank blogspot

Having a blog is so exciting and even a sense of pride. Moreover, the blog has a Google PR and Alexa Rank are nice, especially the article that is posted gets comments from other bloggers, well this is pretius value of a blogger.

For the newbie to make a blog of the prestigious hard sometimes especially newbie is not supported by the knowledge that qualified or did not know the world of blogging. If you already like to do? Newbie not dizzy or frustrated about it. World of bloggers in Indonesia is very different from other countries in the world. The Master and Senior Blogger in Indonesia is kind enough to share their knowledge. Just try your search on the google search engine and type in all your problems when going to blogging. Well to find blogging tutorial was tricky, sometimes what you posted the Mater and Senior Blogger you can not necessarily apply. So that you are not getting dizzy you should be able to choose a widely circulated article posting.

In order for a newbie is not too far looking for bloggers who post quality and can be applied to add strength to your blog with SOE, I'll provide a list of bloggers are:

1. SEO friendly template B V2 to search for qualified and in a few months already  has a Google PR 2 and    best Alexa Rank please  visit Bamz blog , Even to see the evidence  please visit one of the blogs that are new  this already have a Google PR 2.
2. To use the full super metatag SEO freindly very compatible with SEO freindly template please visit deejayhan blog. Even to see the evidence please visit one of the blogs that are new this  already have a  Google PR and  Alexa Rank 2 continues to increase.
3. To create a breadcrumb that is compatible with Template SEO Friendly, Metatag SEO Friendly  please visit deejayhan blog and follow the installation steps carefully.
4. Permalink to install, one extra for SEO on your blog please visit  incomeplus99.blog and SEO template above was no problem in its application.
There are still many senior blogger blogs are qualified, please have visit  : 
buka-rahasia.blogspot.com,  u-sup.blogspot.com,   juragan.blogspot.com,  handokotantra.com    o-om.com,  seokita.com,  padi.net.id,   annunaki.me,  bayumukti.com, blog bamz, deejayhaan
Improve your Blog correctly and patiently, wait a few days later you will be amazed to see the results, especially its Alexa Rank.
I am posting this article, especially the respect and my thanks to the master is a bit much for all that they apply to blog posts I have my 7-month-old, and as ashare to a fellow Newbie penglaman.

Good luck.


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